
Freedom is on the other side of fear?

Lessons learned from jumping naked in a freezing cold lake!

Friends, I can’t share enough how much beauty is on the other side of that fear that keeps us paralyzed when our intuition is trying to lead us to something amazing.

Today, in my weekly Wisdom Wednesday video that I share each week on social, I shared some thoughts about this and a story of a big scary leap we all took at my recent Limitless Retreat. I really felt called to pull this one into Substack for you all.

I hope this inspires you to take your next leap and trust yourself.

May this video inspire you into action, and if you need me to grab your hand and leap with you, reach out. I am here to support you in your big and small leaps.

You can book a complimentary Activate Your YES session with me at any moment to prepare yourself for your next intuitive step forward OR to get clarity on what that even is.

Lots of love xo
