There are gifts even in the darkest moments. Although I'm still navigating the grief of losing my younger dog Johnny, I continue to find gifts in this experience of grief.
When we soften to what is happening instead of resisting it, it's easier to receive the gifts and flow into our next chapter.
Below is a photo of my older dog Bailey and I, teaching my weekly yoga class. I now bring her everywhere with me. Bailey and I are living out a chapter together that is very precious. She is my guide now, my companion and my healing energy. I get to care for her in her old age in ways that I couldn't see she needed before. We are bonding on levels we have never bonded before. We are redesigning our lives in this new chapter. It's beautiful and humbling.
There are many chapters to this book of our life. They are all different, filled with their gifts and challenges.
What chapter are you in right now?
Is a redesign required? Maybe it's time to rethink what your dream life needs to look like now, at this age and this stage you are in.
If a redesign is what you need, I invite you to watch my free 3-part Dream Life Activator workshop series to help you navigate the next chapter of your life.
Sending you lots of love xo
✨ May the light shine through the cracks in your life right now.

I'm mostly loving this chapter (perimenopause continues being both a blessing and a pain in my tush), but I'm also not loving what's happening in the world around me. It feels like these increasingly darker days. I know we'll get through it, but I'm feeling like it's time to get louder, and use my voice more to advocate for those who can't.