Paperback 📖 available of "Say Yes to Your YES"
+ Launch event, new moon celebration & free intuitive readings tomorrow
I apologize in advance if you received this in another email. My team and I are working towards consolidating Mailchimp & Substack - a real struggle for so many of us who have moved to this beautiful space. But I want to make sure everyone got this so we are posting this here too for those who are not on our regular email list 🥰 ⤵
Friends…it’s here. The paperback of my book “Say Yes to Your YES: How to Trust Your Gut and Take the Leap” is now available to order here:
All purchases until tomorrow midnight get access to the pre-order bonuses!! Email me your purchase receipt at See bonus list on book website above ⤴
Canadian friends, Amazon Canada is being a wee bit slow so you can buy it directly from me to now and I will be shipping them out in January.
I’m releasing the book tomorrow, January 11 for a very specific reason. It’s the new moon, which represents new beginnings (and you all know I lead my life with the moon) + 11 is my life path number in numerlogy, so this number and this day is very special to me.
To celebrate this huge milestone and the upcoming transformation I hope this book will create for you, I’m hosting a full day virtual launch event tomorrow online. There will bi giveaways, tarot readings, meditations and so much more!
From 10am to 4pm EST I will be streaming online and you can join in whenever you like. You can follow us on the social platform of your choice or join us right in the ZOOM room. Register to join us here and see the full list of activities:
I just recorded a LIVE video sharing about the importance of January 11th, what activities we will be hosting tomorrow and lots of other good stuff. You can watch the replay on Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram or Twitter.
I still can’t believe this day has come. I started writing this book over a decade ago. It’s a true testament to the beauty and creative adventures that can happen when you follow your gut, trust yourself and tend to your dreams.
Thank you for being a part of my life, my journey and my beautiful community. I see you and appreciate you deeply.
Lots of love xo