I get asked by women all the time how I’ve managed to build this life of freedom and achieve so many things such as living in Mexico, writing a book, becoming a United Nations Consultant, and creating the time and location freedom I have today!
Yes, I’ve accomplished many versions of my dream life over the last 2 decades but the truth is, we have this misunderstanding that a dream life is something we build once and then live happily ever after. These kinds of fairy tales and broken beliefs we were taught are so damaging to us BECAUSE they keep us feeling broken over and over again.
Just like a business, a dream life is a living, breathing thing that we get to keep tweaking as we move forward. Your dream or ideal life will look different at 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and so on. The key is to keep turning inward so that you can hear where your intuition is trying to lead you next. What is the ideal life that will bring you joy and fulfillment NOW? We are here to grow, learn and evolve so as you do, so will your ideal life!
In my 20’s my dream life looked like finding a lifelong partner and having kids.
In my 30’s my dream life looked like living in the Caribbean by the ocean.
Now in my 40s, my dream life is looking like one that is completely flexible, having several homes in places that bring me joy, where I can go when it feels right, having space and peace in my days and falling in love with myself before anyone else.
I don’t have kids today and have realized that I don’t want kids of my own anymore. I fell in love with being an aunty and mentor to other kids in my life.
Have you stopped recently to tune in and listen to what you need in this current chapter of your life to feel joyful, fulfilled and peaceful? Let it flow out in writing or via a Pinterest board and see what is revealed. Don’t worry about the “how” right now because that will get in the way of being really truthful with yourself. If something feels off in your life right now, trust that feeling. It’s your intuition trying to lead you to more alignment.
I would love to help you in this exploration because life is way too short to not be living it fully, in the way that will bring us joy!
This Thursday at 3:30 pm EST I’m hosting a FREE Dream Life Activator Workshop to help you uncover the current dream life that is calling you! I will send the recording to those who register but if you can make it live, it will be very powerful being in this energy with others.
This workshop is inspired by the New Moon that just passed. The New Moon energy is with us a few days before and after the actual New Moon. I chose the 11th because it’s a very special, soul path number for me and I know it’s going to amplify the energy of this workshop.
Sending you lots of dreamy vibes xo