Intuitive Living with Jennifer Jane Young
The Meditation Room
Step into the next version of YOU

Step into the next version of YOU

Inviting in the next level of your potential

This meditation focuses on connecting with your intuition, exploring the next version of yourself, and releasing anything that may be getting in the way of your growth.

You are invited to tap into sensations in their body, guided by intuition, and explore what the next version of your wants to be expressed in the world and embodied in you.

You are also invited to release anything that no longer serves you, creating space for new beginnings.

The meditation ends with a journal exercise about your experience through the meditation.

This meditation aims to help you connect with your inner wisdom, embrace positive changes, and release what no longer serves you.

Lots of love xo


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Intuitive Living with Jennifer Jane Young
The Meditation Room
A place to reconnect with yourself and your inner wisdom and guidance system - your intution - to live and lead your most aligned and expansive life.